I received a Nike+ iPod Sport Kit for Christmas this year. As you might guess from the name, the sensor only fits in a specially designed slot in certain Nike shoes. I am currently training with Asics, so my only option is to wedge the sensor between the laces, which would likely fall out after a couple of miles.
I figured I was out of luck until I spotted an ad in the back of Running magazine for the LaceLid, sold by Waterspeare Industries. They make a rubber holder for the sensor that has two eyelets that you can thread your shoe laces through. It seemed like a bargain for $4.95 plus $1 shipping, so I ordered a white one.
I got a little nervous after a couple of days because I never received an e-mail confirmation, but the package arrived today, only a few days after ordering it.

The sensor fits into the rubber holder very securely – I feel pretty confident that it won’t fall out during a long run.

I retied my shoes, threading the laces through the eyelets. The LaceLid website shows a preferred method of tying your laces, which I didn’t follow. My method has a bit of play to it, so I’ll probably change the lacing to make it more secure.

I went for a quick mile run tonight and the sensor stayed in place. So far, I’m really happy with it, because it’s let me finally make use of my Nike / iPod kit.
Update 2/4/07: The LaceLid has performed well after a half dozen runs or so. And it sits there quietly when the sensor is out and I’m doing something other than running. If you’re looking for any hacks or widgets for the running data, Matt’s getting some good comments in his post about the Nike+ system.
I just ordered one myself today. I will reply again when I get it and give it a try.
I am excited about this. I did not want to spend $100.00 on a pair of new running shoes. When I ask the guys at the locat sporting goods store about a product like this, they didnt know of one. they told me my only option was to cut the tongue of my shoe and slip the sensor in that way. Well who wants to cut up a great pair of running shoes. That’s when I started searching the web. It didnt take me long to find this product. I hope it works as well as it looks.
I have had one for a month or so and it’s fab, works every time I have got one on every pair of my running trainers!!